๐Ÿ“Š Tokenomics

Indigo Protocol Tokenomics ๐Ÿ”„

Distribution Breakdown

  • Indigo Protocolโ€™s tokenomics ensures a balanced and sustainable economic model, distributing the INDY token across various sectors to incentivize participation, reward users, and fund ongoing development over a 5-year span.

Hereโ€™s a breakdown of the INDY token distribution:

  • 54.13% DAO Rewards

  • 13.87% DAO Treasury

  • 5% Governance Participation

  • 1% Protocol Owned Liquidity

  • 1% Launch Airdrop

  • 25% Team & Labs Treasury

Detailed Token Allocation ๐Ÿ“œ

  • INDY tokenomics are strategically designed to support the ecosystem's growth, governance, and operational efficiency. A significant majority, 54.13%, is allocated to DAO Rewards, ensuring that users who participate actively in the ecosystem are incentivized. The Team & Labs Treasury receives 25%, a share that funded initial development and operational support by the core team behind Indigo. An additional 13.87% is reserved for the DAO Treasury, which funds future initiatives, development, and proposals approved by the community. Governance participation is encouraged with a dedicated 5% of tokens rewarding users for engaging in the protocol's decision-making processes. To ensure token trading liquidity post-launch, 1% of INDY tokens were designated as Protocol Owned Liquidity. Finally, to distribute tokens widely and engage a broad user base, 1% was allocated for the Launch Airdrop in 2022, promoting initial liquidity and adoption. INDY is set to reach its total supply cap of 35 million by 2030, providing a generous 8-year runway to achieve its strategic goals, thereby ensuring a gradual and balanced token release into the market while the protocol reaches self-sustainability from pure usage. This phased approach underpins the protocolโ€™s commitment to long-term development and community engagement.

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