πŸ’² iAssets

Overview 🌐

Defining iAssets

  • iAssets, or "Indigo Assets," are synthetic assets created within the Indigo Protocol. Unlike wrapped assets, Protocol prices for iAssets are derived from tracked assets using a price Oracle, not requiring a bridge to deposit on another chain. These prices are used for liquidations, redemption, and interest settlements.

Available iAssets

  • Upon launch, iBTC and iUSD were available for minting within the Indigo Protocol, offering users immediate access to synthetic versions of Bitcoin and a USD-pegged stablecoin. iETH came just a couple of months later after being approved by the DAO, providing exposure to Ethereum's price dynamics within the Cardano ecosystem.

Creating New iAssets πŸ› οΈ

Asset Potential

  • Any asset with a real-world price can be transformed into an iAsset with the Indigo Protocol so long as there is a viable price feed for the proposed iAsset.

DAO Member Responsibility

  • The addition of new iAssets is overseen by DAO Members. If you wish to propose new iAssets, visit our Governance Forum to initiate a temperature check and engage in the discussion.

Last updated